A woman drinking water from a bottle in the woods.

How To Have A Productive Day

The key to having a productive day is starting off on the right foot. In this blog we have put together a few, simple steps you can take each morning to help you boost your productivity and have a wholesome, happy day.

Having a productive day with a structured routine can help promote feelings of accomplishment, which can in turn boost your self-esteem and promote a better sense of well-being.

So, let’s get into it… 

  • Go To Bed Early & Wake Up Earlier
  • Not everyone is a naturally morning person, but this doesn’t mean you can’t improve your sleep routine by going to bed earlier and getting up earlier in the mornings. Getting up earlier not only provides more time to complete tasks first thing, but you usually have less distractions early in the morning!

  • Prepare Your Clothes The Night Before
  • Whether you are getting up and going out or you’re working from home, setting up your clothes the night before makes it quick and easy to get dressed in the morning. This will make you feel ready to start your day and you won’t spend time choosing what to wear. It can be tempting to stay in pyjamas but getting dressed will help your brain recognise that it’s time to work!

  • Write A To Do List
  • If you have a number of tasks you need to complete and feel overwhelmed about where to start, writing a To Do list at the start of your day will help you organise your thoughts and set things out in a manageable way. Also, ticking items off the list is super satisfying. You can even start small with making your bed as soon as you get up & ticking it off your list!

  • Eat A Nutritious Breakfast
  • To have a productive day, you will need to fuel your body with a balanced breakfast to ensure you have plenty of energy to carry out your daily tasks. A breakfast rich in proteins, healthy fats and carbohydrates will keep you full until your next meal - why not try our Baked Oats or Morning Smoothie recipe?

  • Make Your Favourite Drink & Focus
  • Everyone needs something to look forward to in the morning, for many people it is their morning cup of tea or coffee. Before you start your tasks, why not make your favourite drink and take a moment to enjoy it and reflect before you start your first task?

    Once you are ready, you can get to work! Concentrating can be difficult, especially if you work from home and there are multiple distractions. There are now various apps available that are designed to help you focus and concentrate on your work. You could also set a timer on your phone to work for a period of time, before taking a short break - this will keep your mind refreshed and help increase productivity. Regular breaks and taking a lunchtime walk are also helpful for improving productivity and overall mood.

    Don’t forget to keep hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of water! If you do get overwhelmed or stressed, take 5 minutes and practice meditation to help reduce stress, improve attention span and decrease feelings of anxiety. 

    We hope you found this guide helpful and are ready to try these simple steps to have a productive day! For a mental boost you can also explore our range of stress supplements. Also remember to take rest days: nobody is motivated and productive 365 days a year and having slower days is completely fine too.

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