A human hand with an extended finger touching a glowing point on a transparent interface displaying the text "Vitamin D.

Seasonal Depression (SAD) & Vitamin D

It is no wonder that many of us find the winter months to be, well…a little depressing.

The days are much shorter and darker than usual. We find that the motivation to keep up outdoor pursuits dwindles when we peek out of the window at a dreary wet sky. It is increasingly difficult to get out of bed in the mornings, and our overall sense of wellbeing and productivity doesn’t quite feel the same.

Many of us wander through the colder months with a sense that something just feels ‘off’. We can’t put our finger on it, but we certainly know that the weather seems to predict our mood and outlook for the day.

Seasonal Affective disorder, aka SAD is a condition that follows a pattern of depressive symptoms which are influenced by the seasons. It is known as the winter blues because it is more prevalent during the winter1.

Common signs and symptoms of SAD include:

  • Disinterest in activities
  • Low self esteem
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Feelings of despair

We’ve been told that vitamin D helps improve the winter blues, it’s even a recommendation outlined by the NHS to supplement 400IU/10mcg vitamin D during the colder months - but are you aware of just how much this powerhouse of a nutrient helps improves symptoms of SAD? 2

Vitamin D & Mood Regulation

Although we know vitamin D as a key nutrient, it is often thought of by many in the scientific community as a hormone. Vitamin D is both a nutrient that our bodies need to maintain optimal health; however, it is also a hormone that our bodies produce (from external sources) which helps the body to regulate calcium metabolism. Vitamin D can be described as more of a multifunctional hormone or in other words, a prohormone due to the breadth of contribution to many biological processes in the body3.

A key process in which vitamin D influences mood is its role in serotonin synthesis. Serotonin, otherwise known as our happy hormone, is a chemical messenger which helps to regulate mood, sleep, hunger, learning and memory 4. Vitamin D has been shown to help support healthy serotonin levels in the brain and digestive tract5.

The Current Research on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

A recent study on the impact of sleep on SAD reported that those with SAD were more likely to sleep longer and experience drowsiness during the daytime in winter months. However, the amount of hours slept didn’t significantly shift between seasons. The study suggested that the amount of sleep was less of a contributor to SAD than the quality of sleep, which was affected by the condition6.

The University of Glasgow undertook a research project within the community across the 2022-23 winter season in order to provide public health resources as part of their ‘living with SAD: wintering well 2024’ programme.

Their research uncovered that outdoor community events significantly boosted wellbeing across winter months, along with cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) being a useful tool to help manage the symptoms of SAD7.

Another recent study supported the use of LED light therapy to ‘mimic’ daylight8. It is thought that synthetic light may improve the condition by reducing the production of our melatonin (sleep) hormone and help to boost serotonin.

Is SAD on the Rise in the UK?

Whilst SAD appears to be on the rise, the contributing factors aka the environment (higher latitudes) and seasons haven’t changed.

Sadly, what has changed, is the increase in sedentary lifestyles and a decrease in outdoor social pursuits, which is impacting our exposure to sunlight and our mood in general.

Vitamin D & SAD

One of the ways in which we absorb vitamin D outlines a key reason as to why vitamin D deficiency is linked with winter weather and with mood regulation.  

One of the main methods our body uses to absorb and metabolise vitamin D is through skin contact with the sun’s ultraviolet B(UVB) rays. The sunlight reaches cholesterol in the skin cells, which allows vitamin D synthesis to occur. The kidneys and liver then metabolise vitamin D to a form which can be utilised for its many uses throughout the human body9.  

However, this process is greatly impacted by a number of environmental factors10:

  • The season
  • Time of day
  • Altitude
  • Air pollution
  • Skin pigmentation
  • Sunscreen use

Fortunately, as mentioned previously in this article, vitamin D can also be ingested through food and supplementation.

High vitamin D containing foods include11:

  • Oily fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, anchovies)
  • Egg yolks
  • Red meat
  • Liver
  • Mushrooms

Our vitamin D supplement here at Purolabs also contains K2, which has clinically been shown to help improve vitamin D absorption.

Vitamin K2 helps shift vitamin D into our bodily tissues helping promote its effects on SAD and all the various functions that this vital nutrient has in the body.

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A noteworthy plus of taking vitamin D in supplemental form during the winter months is that it provides a consistently measured therapeutic dose of the nutrient, which is especially important during the colder months when deficiency is so prevalent.

Lifestyle & Dietary Tips for SAD

SAD is sadly a common condition here in the Northern hemisphere, with no known treatment for the condition. However, you can support the symptoms by adopting the below tips:

  • Studies show that 20 minutes of outdoor exercise three times a week can improve the symptoms of SAD. Find an exercise that you enjoy, whether that’s a group sport, walking, jogging or exploring.
  • An anti-inflammatory diet is great for improving hormonal balance, reducing inflammation within the body and brain and boosting feel-good neurotransmitters. The Paleo and Mediterranean diet are two popular diets, championed for their anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Support healthy blood sugar levels, which are linked to mood and fatigue. Do so by ensuring that you eat a breakfast that is rich in protein and healthy fats.
  • Consider talking therapies, which have been shown to help support mental health and wellbeing
  • Connection is key. Ensure that you still maintain contact with loved ones and reach out to them for support. Connecting with your community during the winter months is more important than ever. Offer to volunteer at your local soup kitchen, or charity. Spark conversations with neighbours. Small acts can have a profound effect on your wellbeing.
  • Consider omega 3 supplementation, which has been shown to boost mood through it’s antioxidant anti-inflammatory influence on brain health.
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